No Date? No Problem—A Guide to Dating Yourself in 2025

If there’s something you really want to do, why wait for a date?

The term “dating yourself” gets a lot of flack. It brings to mind a single Bridget Jones singing into her hairbrush (which I’m totally on board with, by the way).

But dating yourself doesn’t have to be cheesy, awkward, embarrassing, or the myriad of other things you’re probably thinking. It’s about learning how to feel comfortable in your own company—and not waiting until you have a partner to do the things you love.

I have a boyfriend but I often choose to go on solo dates. Why? Because I like spending time alone. I like choosing what I do, where I eat, and where I go. In the past few months, I’ve arranged a day trip to a local city. I’ve watched a ballet. I’ve taken myself to the cinema to watch a new film. All by myself.

I’m a social person, but I make an active choice to do things alone all the time. And you can, too.

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Why should you date yourself?

The idea of dating yourself isn’t a new one. For years, it’s been used to describe the self-improvement single people do before getting into a new relationship.

But in recent years, we’ve seen a boom in people literally taking themselves out for dates. In fact, as of this writing, #solodate has over 149K posts on Instagram.

We’re recognizing that solo dating is a fun, empowering, and exciting way to get to know yourself, whether you’re in a relationship or not.

Here’s why you should date yourself in 2025:

You can do what you want, when you want

Have you and your partner ever argued about where you want to eat? Or maybe you and your friend can’t decide on an activity? Guess what—that doesn’t happen when you date yourself.

You get to decide where you go, what you eat, how long you stay, and what you do next. Trust me, it’s freeing.

You don’t have to make plans with anyone else. You can be as structured or spontaneous as you like. It’s all up to you.

Tip: Create a rough plan for your solo date. It’ll help you make decisions while you’re out, especially if it’s your first time dating yourself.

You can get to know yourself better

I know, I know. I said I wouldn’t be cheesy. But spending time alone really can teach you about yourself.

What do you enjoy? What makes you tick? What triggers your anxiety? By spending time alone, you can start to answer these questions.

Life can get busy. Spend some mindful time with yourself to gain a greater awareness of who you are and what you want.

The more you date yourself, the more you’ll get used to spending time alone. You’ll feel more comfortable going to events solo—and you might even feel more confident in other areas of your life too.

Tip: Lean into self-improvement by reflecting on your solo date. Write down the things you enjoyed (and the things you didn’t) for next time.

You don’t have to worry about finding a date

If there’s something you really want to do, why wait for a date? Dating yourself means you’ll always have someone to take you out.

So what if you don’t have a partner (or even if you do)? Treat yourself to a nice lunch, go to your local public library, go for a walk, or book a pottery class. (Extra mindfulness points if your solo date involves analog activities.)

As author Flannery O’Connor said, “In yourself right now is all the place you’ve got.” Follow her lead to do the things you want to do—partner or not.

Tip: Write down a list of places you want to visit, films you want to watch, or foods you want to try. That way, you’ll have a ready-made list of ideas for your solo date.

The best solo date ideas for 2025

So, it’s time to ask yourself out on a date. You’re the best company you’ve got and you’re not going anywhere, so why not get to know yourself a little better?

If this is your first time dating yourself, start small. Go for a walk or visit your local art gallery to get comfortable being in your own company.

Once you get a bit more confident, go for a meal at that new restaurant. Or finally book a weekend at that spa you’ve always wanted to try. The world’s your oyster!

Here’s a bit of inspiration for your solo date:

Go to a cooking class

Or any class for that matter. Dating yourself is the perfect chance to do something you really want to try, whether that’s cooking, flower arranging, ceramics, yoga, photography, or singing.

You might find a new passion or you might not enjoy it as much as you thought. Either way, trying something new by yourself is bold and empowering.

Visit an art gallery

Sometimes, the best solo date ideas are right on our doorsteps. Don’t be afraid to explore your local art galleries, museums, and historical landmarks.

They’re a good starting point for dating yourself, and you’ll find a lot of other people who are there alone, too.

If you want to push yourself even further, hop on a train to a nearby city. A day wandering around a new place (while taking in lots of beautiful art) sounds pretty dreamy to me.

Go on a hike

A hike is a great way to spend some time with yourself. Stick on your favorite podcast or get to know yourself while you walk.

I love getting out into nature. It’s a chance to think through any problems in your life, get some exercise, and admire beautiful landscapes alone.

But make sure to stay safe if you’re heading out by yourself. Share your location and stick to routes you already know.

Take yourself out for lunch

The idea of going for dinner by yourself can be a bit daunting, so why not go for lunch instead?

You could visit your local café or take yourself out for a cute picnic. These activities are typically seen as romantic, so use them to get to know yourself in 2025.

Tip: This is a date, so make sure to treat yourself. Order your favorite foods—and always get dessert if you want it.

Go to the cinema

I love going to the cinema with my boyfriend, friends, and family. But sometimes, a film comes out that no one else wants to see. So I take myself.

The first time I went to the cinema alone, I thought everyone would stare at me. But it’s true what they say: Everyone is focused on themselves. No one cares that you’re there alone. So you shouldn’t either.

Going to the cinema alone is one of life’s small pleasures. No one will steal your popcorn, and no one will talk through the movie. You can just sit back and enjoy 2+ hours of uninterrupted bliss.

Dating yourself in 2025

What are you waiting for? I dare you to take yourself out on a solo date in 2025.

Ask yourself out for dinner, book a trip to the cinema, or head for a nature hike. The only drawback? You always have to pay.

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Eleanor Jones is a freelance writer based in the UK. She loves reading, writing, and walking in nature. Sometimes with her friends and family, sometimes alone. Check out her blog for writing updates, freelance resources, book reviews, and more: